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muhamad fadlY shah
Me: 17 YO live:bukit pasir languange:chinese.malay.english..little indian wanna b: lecturer ANd fashIon desiGner~
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Saturday, January 29, 2011

pliss be Special Cliche~

CLiche~ a word that u can use for a thing that poeple alwys do Or wear.........kali nie pist berkenaan orang yang sukew buat bende kliche yewk.....for example...ingat x dulu era croc??? hahah igtkan...mase tu orang selalu berebut nak pakai lah ..bla3....mse 2 croc 2 trend.....hahah tapi kalo skrng nie still adew orang nak bangge2 bli croc..sorry guys..u guys r cliche....hahahha x bez lah jadik cliche ....cbb nanti orang yg cocky2 high class nie semue akan kutuk kamu.....so klo x nk kne kutok kne jadik trenDsetter........... x pon jadik special kliche.......ahahahha macam mane yewk???

special cliche is...a thing that u do juz like other people do..but u do in diffrent way...bermaksud...korang buat bende biase tapi lain dari yang lain....contohnya....orang pakai t-shirt gan sweAter......kamu tukarlah dri sweater kew cardigan....2 mksud saye lain dari yang lain.....contoh yang laIn?? u have to find ur ownself~ so u can b a cliche freak but b a special cliche freak.....with that it can turn u into trendsetter.........

p/s:alwys try new things~