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muhamad fadlY shah
Me: 17 YO live:bukit pasir languange:chinese.malay.english..little indian wanna b: lecturer ANd fashIon desiGner~
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Monday, January 31, 2011

suatu HAri NAnti!

ONE DAY I'll Skecth as perfect as this
tHIS too~

LAGu: HIghLIght (4minute)...lagu penting tok aq unyuk aq letk mood dlm sketching!!

hahahah ...sapew yang knal aq tau aq adew cite2 lain selain pensyarah.....iaitu fashion designer ....setaraf verasae...mersonni~ .....itu aq....dah alme dah nak jadik fashion designer..tapi 2 juz profession sampingan jewk...laalal~.....aq minat design dari umo dajah 1 lah...caye atau x....tapi sway I DUNNO HOW TO USE NEEDLLE!! hahahahah......aq x geti jahit sangat p aq suka sketch!! mse first sketch aq dajah satu aq likis gaun...bwh kembang hahaha..klako p x pew..begiiner ek..then time move on...

at 12 YO my design change from WedDing dress to chic style....start to sketch pants..short long.....hahahah aq sukew tunjuk kt kwn cine ...hehehehh~ so aq hari2 lukis.. ...berpuluh kertas jadik mangse aq...so at the ned of the year..aq dah pndai lukis...mse porn 3 aq dah boleh lukis kebaye..avant-garde.....dah pndai lukis gaun ala balenciaga!! hELL YESS!! the aq dah boleh design bju.....aq penah wat gaun sebiji mcm sandra bullock g awads...tah awards apew tah x igt!!

heheheh NOW ..im wanna practice more so i can make PERFECT SKETCHER FOR FASHION DESIGN!!!  


the halF huMAn Girl!!

aq baru sng2 on balik FB tetibe komen mengomen kwn aq ckp yg sorang budak pmpuan chat gan die..die kem salam kt aq pastu die ktew geli tgk aq skrng!! erghh ayat seh!! x boleh blah .....setakat otak2 ikan aq x pandang pon lah pompuan.....dah lah gatal ..tajam sane sini(MENDADA&MENOGGEK)!! erghhhh igt SUPErb Sgt LAH 2!!...aq knl ko lah banggang!! ko 2 dah lah wat kecoh ..MURAH!! u know murah..so SHUt ur Fuck ,mouth!! ur mouth alwys Searching Animal And hUMAh dicK to suck!!! go awaY!!! shussh!! DODDLE HEAD!! yess that u R!


Sunday, January 30, 2011

My FAbulUS Cousin!!

RICH...vogUe..crazy...social BUtterFly..stylista.....that suit for THem....NANA ...DURA,...and Isha~.....hahahah 3 sister that can amke the world BOom BOOm POW!! u'll c 90210? they r same  naomi and her sis but they consist of 3 ladies......

their life seem so simple..dah mcm paris hilton dah..hahahahha the closest between them 3 r NANA ....hahah c giler..the crazy oen ...alwys hunga-hunga!! hahahah love to tease her!! yayaya~
isha the opposite one..very the SIS power love their lili bro..hahahah juz like MAMA...yayaya
dura ..hahahah older than me op kous..very high class.....very easy going


DURA AND ISHA with tHEir LOvely mother~

MySpace Widgets

p/s: hahahah bez seh klo LIfe cam koranG~ 
very lucky to have 3 dolls as my cousin...

My 90211( not 90210......)

BEVERLY HiLLs HIGh school!
aiyoooo~ pagi jewk dah drama seh...apew lah ...hahahhahah ...selamt pagi2...sapew yg tgk 90210 genti tau  citer die camne....kesah tntng social butterfly teen....rich fab teen....high class teen..and too much drama in their life teen..that also same with me lorh...hahahha....wtak aq anne......aus naomi!! ...hadi ....naomi wannabe!!
kazam silver!! hahahha .....and the rest lantak lah ...hahahahah .....mcm kesah aq gak..penoh dgn BOOM!!! hahahah ..adew jewk drama ..jejak kasih hari2...dari Keplastikan seseorang!!  higga kew btol2 baik..ayayayay~ that ,my life..i already meet abundant of crazy people..hahahahah so that my life  dun care what people said

juz like anne bru transfer school....hahhaha mcm aq bru msok high school last year...whoa veru unique and annoying and..erghh..and teett ..whoa ,,enviroment.....very the crazy.....there u'll c rich brazt!!  hahahhaha.......they poeple r unique..evryday was a competition to them...WHO THE BEZ?? WHO MORE CLEVER?? do u get what i mean?? if not ...UR PROBLEM! hahahah~

the diffrent between this 90211 than 90210 is place...me muar..and actual place of 90210 is beverly hills~  C THE DIFFRENT!......they also diffrent lifestyle sskit~ ...90210 JImmy choo shoes ?? op kOus u'll find it..but 90211 ??no lah ..boys school ma~ hahahahha~ there2 too much info lah nak STOR2 kt blog nie hahaha~

MySpace Widgets

p/s: bez seh!! mcm lim kok wing high school version but all r malaysian not like LKW ,,,,some international~hehehehe

saye mengajar murid tadika! hahahah

hahahah malam nie jwk aq dah jdik guru tadika...kepade anoM ..oii...penat aq..hahahah t aq dtng umah ko!! aq godek2 kepale ko..hahahaha grau jewk...buat tu smapi dpt!! ko godek2 jewk sampai boleh klo x boleh bak ktew kwn aq tkn jewk butang merah ahahhaha abiz cer

yang lagi sorang nie plak anas...hahahah new beginne rpnyew budak byk pnyew EEeekkk Owkkkk wkkk wokkk..aq sepok kang bru tau..hahahha pon same godek jelah smpai boleh!!

yang c fara plak ...kamu nie mmng sroh follow jewk on mcm nk ajo dak tadika hahahahah len l\kali godek2 jgak!! yewk smpai berjyew!1 hahaha


mak cik fara!! arghh

p/s: ingat aq nie apew,,,,hahahahha t aq bkk tusyen tok korang 1 minit 10 hinggit!! amacam??!!

MySpace Widgets

Purple Pencil

crazy frenz VOL 2( TEMPTASTIC)

ANAS : aq sukew tarik rambut kO!!!
hahahhaha post yang lpeas pasai my crazy frenz kan....yg nie my carzy frenz vol 2 plak (the temptastic)...hahah mean dewang bez!!! yayayaya

AQ sukew preangai freak ko!!

aq sukew lpak gan ko!! 
u guys bez lah.......knl dgn korang make me happy....setiap kali lepak gan korang jewk mesti aq ketawe....hehehehe cbb korang giler!! same mcm aq...!!! yeeyyeye!!! hahahaha taun nie 2011 ye taun laz kitew kan...harap2 kitew still jmpew agy walupon abiz SPm..jgn lpew aq tau ....so klo aq adew problem jewk aq nk carik korang bio aq lpew masalh aq!! hahahahah aq nk jadik macam ALICE INE THE WONDER LAND ..Zero problem yg beban giler~

p/s: bez2!!! korang bez2 hahahaha~ 

Flash MySpace Toys

who that person!

oright aq bru nak start like someone nie!! heeheheh name die ialah .........adew huruf A ..heheheh mne leh gtau rahasia ku....cie mahluk ciptaan ALLAH .......umo?? same cam aq.....heheheh very the cute!! i like u like fashion like me !! sye sukew saye sukew  awk!! hahaha..


bak lyric lagu eurythemics......THE LANGUAGE OF LOVE SLIP FROM MY LOVER TOUNGE COoLER THAN ICE CRAEM AND HOTTER THAN THE SUN!!...hahahah  ur special ..i love to know u more!!!!

something abou u attracted me lah.....so jom kitew knl2 lebih lagii k!!

p:s: hahaha jom kitew berkenaln ...lalalall~

mY lover t-ara !! yayaya~

hahahahah I love t-arA!! they r talented...they r superb...they r unique...they can change from normal to sexy...from sexy to chixk i love t-ara!!! yayaya~ .....she can sing,,,dance .,...rap!! whoa...T_ARA hyomin ,jiywon..boram..Qri..eunjeung...siyeon...hwa young!!!...love!!!!! hahahahha ...they  hot!!!! ....BO beep bO beep....yayaya~~~ wae ironi!!! i can go crazy because of you!!!

p/s: Love t-Ara!!! i wanna meet Them!!!

IM their SLAve !!!

hahaha...my little brother and sis alwys think im their slave..hahah y?? alwys nagging to do erghhh simple things..heheheh ...they ahve ultimate weapon that i'll never got to bet them ..that is CRY!!! heheheh my sis 8 YO and my brother 3 YO...heheheh nagging2 ..that their job!! erghhhh thanks god im a patients freak if not..i would slap their face one by one long time ago! gegegegeg.....

nurul alia and farid shah....erghhh ...very the diva lah this kid....STOP CRY!! NAGGING !! ... heheh

heheheh they r little so my parenz alwys listen to their Erghh story " IBU along kan BLA3" hahaha
sometime they colebrate with each other and sometime they fight with each other...that my sis and my bro..hahah crazy kid like me.....erghhh yelling ....shouting!!n heheheh that their daily activities.heheheh

THe diva in my family~
p/s: i'll make ur life miserable when u guys get older!! muahahahahahh< evil one gonna rule~heheheh


yayaya~ im kinda LOVe Me person...hehehhe mean i love to be selfish  person ...SO whAT~ .....heheheh yayaya i love SPOTLIGH  ...everbody does.....heheheh i hate people dun agree with my desicion Y?? becoz im a control freak~ u never gonna control me .....im a burden u see..heheheh so move aside ...IM freaK!! heheheh,....

MySpace Flash Toys

YAYaya...im a freak but im ..special cliche freak....im a freak that everyone love to approched..hehehe...im a freak that Do crazy thing in nice way.....i LOUD ...u'll notice.....whoa i love my world....whoa i love gOD!!! whoa a love faB life~

p/s: WHOA2!!! im freak!! yesss hahahahah~

Saturday, January 29, 2011

aiyooo FB catfight!

CATFIGHT!!!ehehehhe post kali nie mmng kepade sesapew yg sgt terase...maaflah yewk..nak buat mcam mne....dah blog nie sye pnyew......aq kan FACEBOOKERS~ so evrytihing kt fb yg happen kt sme orang i tau..aduiii skrng nie pas dikaji2 ...agaknyew JANUARY TILL MARCH musim orang memaki hamun ,bergado,sindir sane sini....hheheheh....apewlah korang nie.....x bez lah facebook kan CONNECT PEOPLE bUkan CONTRACT POEPLE..u all nie sukew lah catfight2..erghhh.erghhh apew seh~ ....baik korang hentikan nie semua....cbb sebgai contoh kAlo si A maki si Z kt wall fb..x berkemugkinan yang si Z report person yangmemkai die kt fb...hahah kalo benrsib baik si Z ,si A pon diblock dari menggunkan Fb~ hehehehh peringatan !! heheh

so sapew yang terase to take   a note lah yewk tampal kt komputer 2 bio ingt.....

p/s:kalo nak serang 2 len kali inbox jew orang yg nak diserang .......

Blue Polka Dotted Pencil

pliss be Special Cliche~

CLiche~ a word that u can use for a thing that poeple alwys do Or wear.........kali nie pist berkenaan orang yang sukew buat bende kliche yewk.....for example...ingat x dulu era croc??? hahah igtkan...mase tu orang selalu berebut nak pakai lah ..bla3....mse 2 croc 2 trend.....hahah tapi kalo skrng nie still adew orang nak bangge2 bli croc..sorry guys..u guys r cliche....hahahha x bez lah jadik cliche ....cbb nanti orang yg cocky2 high class nie semue akan kutuk kamu.....so klo x nk kne kutok kne jadik trenDsetter........... x pon jadik special kliche.......ahahahha macam mane yewk???

special cliche is...a thing that u do juz like other people do..but u do in diffrent way...bermaksud...korang buat bende biase tapi lain dari yang lain....contohnya....orang pakai t-shirt gan sweAter......kamu tukarlah dri sweater kew cardigan....2 mksud saye lain dari yang lain.....contoh yang laIn?? u have to find ur ownself~ so u can b a cliche freak but b a special cliche freak.....with that it can turn u into trendsetter.........

p/s:alwys try new things~

yayaya ~ i open minded ..i x memilih~ (x sgt lah)

Semua ckp aq nie sporting lah ..peramah sgt lah...bla3....hahahha 2 lah yg bgus kan ....dari jadik HUman hater baik jadik human lover....hahahah xsalah pon kalau kitew nie open minded...kalo aq rase orang tu boleh jadik kwn aq ..aq citer jela pasal aq mcm2......

aq x kesah pon kalau orang 2 nak tnyew soal peribadi cbb 2 lah aq...hehehehhe.......aq pon x memilih sgt sal kwn2 nie.. x macam sesetngah orang ...tgk status......mcm post aq yg lepas semua orang same jewk....manusia nie kalo emmilih sangat susah lebih2 hal berkwan .....aq open jewk x kesah orang 2 bapok?GAy?lesBina?atau x tergolong mne nie...dan khunsa... binatang pon aq kwn heheheheh........cbb x slh kan kwn gan semua tu...baru kitew dpat knl kepelbagaian hamba ALLAh........so aq Jnis  UNcare Person??gotta prob?? hahahah TAlk 2 me FAce to  face urself ALone!!

saYA pon pernah~

cinta~gerenti semua x caye kan aq pernah bercinta gan perempuan .....hahah ...aq penah nak x nak....dan aq tau rase die mcm mne....sjak dari darjah 6 smpai akhir taun lpas...hahah .....i penah mnjdai heartbreaker dan pernah menjadi mngse heartbreaker......

mencintai seseorang itu entahlah.....aq serik nak bercinta.....nantilah laps abiz blaja kalo adew jdoh..hahah geli jewk......

aq pernah kapel gan dak perempuan nie...lame lah...hahahha ......kiteowng kapel pling gile kt skolah.........hahah y??cbb kami keanak-anakkan~ .....hehehe sukew cubit sane sini......then pernah kne tgor gan ckgu..cbb mse balik kiteowng pegng tgn..........hahahha so what ....aq tau dose.....emmm 2 kisah lame......akhirnyew aq pon break lah ..nak tau knpew?? adelwah ~ x semua citer lewh main post jewk k~.....hahahha the i alwys ended up with no love..........hahah x kesah pon~

p/s :walaupon byk break i still sukew perempuan ~


variety ! the word that seriously related to this post....y?? becoz that how i live my life evrday ....everyone that i've met also related to this post.....no matter bas driver or school cleaner.....evryone moment will followed by drama ........no matter in the toilet or during the assembly~ that my life .....i mybe 17 Yo but im also mybe more exprience than other 17 yo person....

Y?? i already gone through many things....sad? happy??moderate?? all ......im happy becoz i gone through all this exprience..becoz it make me a strong person in inside..it teach me never listen nonesense talk from other people........my day alwys end with my smile altough im in pain or happy~ 

-p/s : i tough than u know~
Blue Polka Dotted Pencil

Friday, January 28, 2011

DIffreNt peoPLe DiffrenT World....

Life~ everyone have their own life right?? no matter the person r  DRAG QUEEN ,LESBINA,GAY,STRAIGHT,NERD, ETC.....they are human...the diffrent abuout their life is the path that they choose ....we have no right to force them to choose their life path ....that between their life and ALLAH...

Nowdays, there are still have group of human who thought he r special,they are perfect human being,they are flawless.....no one are flawless in the world nor gissele bundchen or susan boyle.....we all r the same...the same class in GOd eye.....

Mungkin tidak yang nak ngaku diri sendiri x perfect kan.....tapi itulah kehidupan kan.....mmng setiap bnde adew keburukan dan kebaikan...bezanya care mereka nyorokkan sahaja.....

Aq...mybe lembut ,giler2...p  x bermksud aq x de perassan kan? .....setiap orang x kan kenal orang lain betol2 kerana hanye kitew DAN ALLAh shaja yang kenal betul2 diri kitew.....bialah apa orang nak kate apew yewk...pelik kew freak kew......so live ur own life......



Saturday, January 22, 2011


HUman   ....men semua adew watak masing2 kan....cbb watak seseorang tulah trademarks orang tersebut...so no point bile seseorang itu ckp kt someone yg "ko nie apewlah...bongkok lah..lembut lah...gemoklah...and bla3".....TAke a note cbb 2 trademarks dewang ...2 jew care yg boleh dewang wat utk diri dewang gembire........post nie ditujukan kepade sapew yg terase....sapew yg sngkew die 2 "MR & MRS PERFECT" stop it..becoz u guys r make me sick....erghhhh....yg blaGak2 nie terutame dGn aq..erghhh u guys nie cliche...euuwwww.....x bez lah........x sesuai nak belagak gan i..maaf!...hehehhe

no point korang belagak gan aq.....nak ktew kaye jewk...erghhh x pndng sgt pon.....yg penting ATTTITUDe..............so mind before u talk....dun melulu jew ..nk ckp pew ckp..mcm dog main kencing jewk merate2.....so behave urself.....jgn nk nasihat aq selagi kau x cukup bgus utk aq puji ko....soorry! 


Friday, January 21, 2011

add on For My bff LIst!!! add cHOclaTe!

The 5 dolls

His name Was Anas........know him from form 4.....how he become latest dolls??? hmmm dunno lah too mucH hangiNg  with me and my dolls that y lah.....hehehehh before he became my frenz...i always mock him..hehehhe upzz wrong sentences...but we alwys mock him...said "i hope he never b our frenz'...BOOM!! look ...his now new bff and the craziest bff heheh..but anas take a note then stick it to ur carzy brain...NO ONE AS CRAZY AS ME(choy)!! heheheheh ....so enjoy to know u .....love to know u.....so my bff still HAve 1 or 2 mybe person still missing....Now I have cHOclate(anas)..vanilla(imran).,...strAwberry(kazam)....blueberry(hadi)....and hazel nut(awex: aus)  BFF!! hehehheh still mssing pepermint and  OreO......

I need to more bff to achieve octet number of bff....heheheh....chemistrY in frenz

after 2 Years never so close To chIenese Frenz....

TANx My chienese frenz TIAn eNn And xiang weN....u GUys the bez...hahhaha alThouGh Im nOT So Close to u guys but spenDing litte time THis afterNoon make me comfortable and make mewanna  be fRenz wit u both.......tanx again for The ice cream  ......Yummy~

tian en and xiang wenG

NOw i KNow ..NOt all chinese student in HSm r SOmbong~but some only.....heheheh tanx to u guys lorh ......im sorry becoz mY chinese LANguage KIndA suck bezcoZ u know lah....so lONg do Not taLk in chienese ......hehehhe....but im glad some Of u can stIll understand what i sAid........i HAve nOThing 2 write ,,,,beCoz some i have zero idea what to write.......so tian en and xiang wen thank you for opening my new Vision of the chinese student in hsm...hehehhe  in conclusion hsm chienese studeNt r!  VArieTy of aTtitUde!!!! hehehehhe cool ha!!..... 

kawan sampai mati~


TIdak sah kalau hidup kite nie x de perktaan kawan kan......mugkin bagi sesetengah orang tu kawan 2 bgai kan tempat mengadu amsalah....kwan lah dimana kitew boleh luahkan segalanyew.....zaman sekolah mengeah aq yg plaing bez sweet seklai mase sekolah SMK BP .....Y???cause diorang kwn aq yg paling kurang kerenah..layan jewk apew orang layan ...depa x penah cerewet ...jap3 ayat aku nie slah bkn x penah p x selalu lah...heheheh asaAm ,garam,cuka,madu,erghhh semua lah aq penah gan dewang.....tapi aq sedaR walaupun hebatnya aq kalo x kerana BAntuan ALLAh SAW...ibu bapa..guru...and kawan2 aq x kn berjaya....so post aq nie x nk lah emo sane sini juz simple .....so maaflah yewk sapew yg pic die x dew

reamo..paan....and the rest
Ruz..pak CIk!
...sorry kllo jMPew aq IN kan......

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

DOlls froM sekolah tinggi segamaT!!!


HEHEHHEh  oNe again tanx 2 tunas bestari ...i knal ama budak2 faB ini dimulakan dri SAODA....KAMAL......SHARINA.........NISA.............miruL..............and the reSt adew kot p x tau lah x jmepw kt google hehehehhe......depA mmng bez..walupun x knl sampi berhari2 spENt gan dewanG laz minit POn fun..........wanna know u guys more deeper!!! 

The rabbit of the year....

Name Faris...name penoh...emmm entah bkn pkwe aq gurlfrnez aq aq nak igt..hehehehhekalo x silap muhamad faris bin........ adewlah..hehehehhe...................knl die sme porm 4 mse 2 die kerawit agy porm 1....hehehhe ....Mcm mne kiteowng jmpew???emmm same like i jmpew new version of BFF gurl version..melalui tunas bestari lah...hehehhe aq jual2 brng bkn badan..then knl lah dgN mamat gielr nie......Apew syOk kwn die????die matured...die upgrade dri bdaks ebaye umo die...die playa....die kinda HC.....die nice..x sombonk .....x mcm yg sesetengah ..sombonk gan aq..I INGTAKAN YG SOMBONK2 2 ..U ALLX  KEMANA LAh....hehehehhe..........taste die ,,,peh awek..baye I ...hheheheheh..x nk klh 2 ...2 yg bez 2..hahahha.....................frenz with u make me wanna frenz wiTh the other kerawit people...hahahha.....faris! ko emmbuka peluang kapde dak2 baye ko untuk megenali aq..hahaha ayat em2 boleh blah...hahahhaha 2 jewk i nak citer sal rABBIT nie.....nak lagi?? waIT for the RAbiit VOL 2!!!

my senior DollS aka bff~


lebih hangat dari biase itulah mereka...hazeiq and irfan....my bff senior version................mereka giler,,,stylista...vogue....juz like KLS .....the life in fab laNe.....ex HSm boy.......mule2 knl hehehhe x tgo sgt...sekali huh dah rapat ..emmm kecoh satu dunia klo kiteowng together-gether,,,,,hehehhe they r the bomb!!! u GO dollS!!! ehh SALh BURL!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

sepasaNg stilleTTo....sebuah cinta....

stilletto~pelik eh apew kne mengena gan cinta.....sapew yg penah pkai stilletto bebgai 2 pasti tahu rase die mcm mne ...perasaan die gembire dan bangge apabila memakai .....tetapi pabila kita jatuh kerana stilleto kitew 2 tinggi ...aduiii mampoi bdn oi..sakit ...samalah mcm cinta...mule2 mse bercinte peh bez ....pegang sane sini...ayat ...em2 hoot sane sini.....tetapi kan bila kitew breaK...peh hATi em2 sakit kan2...2 lah pasai Owng dok bunoh diri GAntung sana gantUNg sini....silING sana siLIng cnie... bukan setiap orang dapat than sedIh kalo breaK ...so mcm stIlletto..kalo kitew pkai jLn 2 sambil VOgue ..sambil carefulL skit bia x jatUh....so klo ebrcinta 2 ..pastikan itu cinta terakhir pastikan kitew jge relation kitew baik2 ..that y ,age pling bez bercinte 20 somthing...at that age u will know the meaniNg of true love witH out FOrgetTIng ALLAH~
Unborn 8.0 Green Alternate Select